
Octoprint raspberry zero
Octoprint raspberry zero

In September 2018, a vulnerability was publicized at the Internet Storm Center of SANS Institute because "thousands" of users misconfigured their OctoPrint interface so it was available to the Internet without a login. At the time of the release, most OctoPrint plugins were already compatible with Python 3. Starting with OctoPrint version 1.4.0 released on March 4, 2020, OctoPrint is compatible with Python 3. As of February 2021, OctoPrint Patreon campaign receives over $6600 per month from over 2200 backers. When BQ discontinued support in April 2016, Häußge turned to Patreon. Between August 2014 and April 2016, Spanish smartphone manufacturer BQ financially supported OctoPrint development by employing Gina Häußge full time to work on it. OctoPrint was forked from Cura, and is available under the same AGPL license.

octoprint raspberry zero

OctoPrint was created by Gina Häußge in 2012, who initially developed the software to support her first 3D printer. English, German, French, Polish, Russian, Korean, Catalan

Octoprint raspberry zero