
1980 ww2 tank battle toy
1980 ww2 tank battle toy

Nevertheless for the sake of completeness it does reference a set we have reviewed, so here it is. This was a perfectly good toy in its own right, and was probably also meant to work with their model railway products, but can hardly be described as a battleset. In addition Airfix figures were used in a number of battlesets from other producers, notably MPC and their Historama range, but these are not included in this article.Įarly on in their history Airfix made a Farm Set (pictured above) which was basically a card farmhouse with a set of their Farm Stock. Many Airfix kits and diorama products also included one or more figures, details of which can be found in our Airfix Kit Figures feature. This article looks at the Airfix battleset in all its many forms, but naturally concentrates on the figures to be found in each. From their point of view it was a relatively cheap way to make a new product, sometimes requiring no more than the design of some new packaging, but for many a small boy such sets were a wonderful if often unobtainably expensive toy which seemed to deliver an entire battle in one box.

1980 ww2 tank battle toy 1980 ww2 tank battle toy

Airfix have a long and reasonably glorious history of making battlesets.

1980 ww2 tank battle toy